Parish Narrative


Though many sources were used to compile our parish profile, the primary analytical tool was the Congregational Assessment Tool, purchased from the Holy Cow Consulting Company. We received 82 responses, which is larger than our average Sunday attendance and then shared an abbreviated version of the results to the parish in September, 2017. We feel we have compiled an accurate profile of our parish.


In May of 2017, we celebrated our 200th anniversary. Many improvements to the physical church were made by the congregation in preparation for our celebration. We also sold an adjacent property that had become too expensive to maintain and a stumbling block to parish unity. St. Peter’s was established on May 9, 1817 by Philander P. Chase, an ordained Episcopal priest who would later become the first Bishop of Ohio, and eleven founders of Delaware. We currently offer two services on Sunday with communion at both. The 8:00 service is quiet and contemplative and the 10:30 service is larger with organ and choir. Our average overall attendance on Sunday is 75. There is a children’s/youth Sunday School during the 10:30 service, as well as a brief children’s/youth sermon that is part of the service just prior to communion. We also have two Bible Study groups that meet weekly. 61% of our parish is over age 65 and many of that group are leaders of or participants in lay reading, the vestry, altar guild, choir and organizing fellowship activities. The majority of us also have set as a priority the development of a strategy for attracting new members and especially young families and the energy they bring. Our parish survey portrays us as a conservative culture with “Hearth and Home” characteristics. 93% of the parish is committed to abiding by the unchanging, historic faith as handed down through the centuries. And 38% believe that Scripture is the literal Word of God without error, not only in matters of faith but also in historical, geographical and other secular matters. We feel very strongly that we are a family, and value our relationships with each other. New arrivals are quickly taken in and welcomed as important members. Mr. Jeff Ward, our new organist and choirmaster, is an accomplished and enthusiastic musician with 40 years’ experience. He has already introduced uplifting new music which has been well received. 83% of us think that we have grown stronger than we were before.


St. Peter’s Episcopal is near the center of the City of Delaware, Ohio. St. Peter’s is currently the only Episcopal Church in Delaware County and also one of its oldest congregations. For the past several years, Delaware County has been one of the fastest growing counties in the United States. Delaware County offers both historical and rural charm, while offering all the amenities of a vital, growing community as part of a two million plus population metropolitan area. Downtown Delaware is vibrant and is the home of Ohio Wesleyan University. Delaware is also home to the Little Brown Jug, harness racing’s most prestigious annual race. Delaware and the surrounding area also offers a number of shopping, cultural, and parkland opportunities.


We appreciate sermons that educate and speak to our interests as they apply to our everyday lives, rather than a scholarly approach, and have enjoyed our interim rector’s addition of a short children’s sermon during the 10:30 service.
We believe that educating people throughout their lives regarding Christian beliefs is a critical part of equipping them with important tools and guidelines for living a Christian life.
We value prayer as an opportunity to connect with God; for being thankful for our blessings, asking for forgiveness of sins and shortcomings, and asking for his guidance.
We enjoy each other, and strive to create more opportunities for fellowship and forming meaningful relationships both internally and in the community.
Families & Children
At St. Peter’s, we function as a family, and are family oriented. We aspire to continue to grow our children and youth groups, by continued inclusion and targeted activities.
By far, the majority of members give of their money, time and/or service to help address spiritual, material, social, and physical needs within St. Peter’s, as well as those of external individuals and organizations. Support and recognition of efforts expended in ministry is prized by all those in St. Peter’s.
Pastoral Care
All aspects of pastoral care are of great importance to us, whether directly from our rector, external resources, or from congregational support.
Desire to Grow
Our goal is to develop and implement a specific plan for attracting and retaining new members.



The majority of the St. Peters family is involved in some way with at least one aspect of the internal operations of the church. Andrews House (located next door) is a major St. Peter’s presence in Delaware, having been founded by our parish in the early 1990’s and providing a number of professional and humanitarian services to residents who need help but cannot afford it from traditional sources. In the summer, St. Peter’s organizes the Family Fun Fest block party and participates in a popular interdenominational Vacation Bible School. St. Peter’s also participates in maintaining Family Promise of Delaware County, a nonprofit, interfaith hospitality network that provides shelter, guidance, and support for homeless families with children and pregnant mothers to help them reestablish their independence. We also provide aid to People In Need, Inc. (PIN), an organization that “helps Delaware County residents with immediate emergency needs.” St. Peter’s welcomes 10 Delaware AA and NA groups that utilize St. Peter’s meeting space weekly. Our meeting space is also used for rehearsals by the Delaware Community Chorus. On an international level, St. Peter’s has for years participated in Partners in Ministry in Liberia (PIMIL).


The 2017 parish survey revealed that 63% of respondents believe we need to revisit our basic purpose and overall mission. Many parishioners miss some of our past events and group efforts which were slowly phased out because the church population and demographics have changed. Parishioners have joined together for periodic events and when work around the church necessitates a concerted effort. There is sentiment that we can possibly refine our focus and efforts to fewer ministries with the greatest appeal to our members. Through the “Self-Evaluation” and “Recasting” processes, here are some of the main questions and findings addressing the future direction of St. Peter’s:

  • Joining with others: There is currently no external ministry that is exclusively led by or fulfilled by St. Peter’s. Is it best for St. Peter’s to continue in joint efforts with others outside the church to serve existing ministries, or should all or some of our focus be on St. Peter’s acting alone to fulfill a community need that is currently being overlooked?
  • Identifying leadership and gifts for ministry: According to the survey, one of our main goals should be to strengthen the process by which we identify those members who are called to serve and capable of ministry leadership. We can also improve overall membership desire to do more by better recognizing individual gifts and applying them to ministries that best suit them.
  • Strengthen relationships: We can look for new opportunities for members to work and/or socialize together in order to further strengthen personal relationships.
  • Share the work of ministry: We can also find ways for everyone, regardless of age, physical limitations or time constraints, to contribute in some way to the church and its ministries. Perhaps this can be achieved by breaking down opportunities into smaller or simpler tasks.
  • Ministry outside our church: Most parishioners tend to devote time and energy to internal church ministries and serve external ministries primarily through donations of money and material items. While appreciated and beneficial, we would like, as a congregation, to do more to find places and ways in which to personally volunteer some time and effort externally.
  • Willing to join in church activities: It would require further evaluation to confirm how the survey results compare to actual hours spent in all church activities currently, but based on the 82 survey respondents, the combined average hours per week that parishioners would be willing to spend in church-sponsored activities would likely fall between 70 to 100 hours a week in total for the congregation. Only 8.7% indicated that they would not be able to or willing to spend any time beyond attending a church service.
  • Generational focus and needs: Also noteworthy from our survey results, the priorities for types of ministry focus varied greatly for those under 35 years of age, for those 35 to 64 years of age, and for the majority of our congregation that are 65+ years of age. Going forward, we could look to better meet the ministry priorities of our more time-limited younger members, which might be a way of attracting additional younger members over time. Meanwhile, we can make certain that we are offering ministries with a social component, and ministries that work toward healing those broken by life’s circumstances, which would meet the priorities of our presently over 65 years of age majority.



Beginning in August 2016, St. Peter’s participated in the Episcopal Church Building Fund’s highly successful Recasting Building Assets program (Recasting). The Commission on Congregational Life (CoCL) sponsored the participation of the Diocese of Southern Ohio. Eight congregations were selected to participate in the 14-month program. Our involvement began with an onsite visit that included a detailed review of St. Peter’s and interviews with key staff members. A comprehensive report including a significant amount of demographic background was provided to the St. Peter’s Recasting team and used for guidance and information during the program. The team worked with a mentor and the other teams involved in the program. Monthly meetings were held with the parish, newsletter articles were written, and the charts and graphs were kept on display in the coffee hour room. One of the assignments included asking another parishioner five WHY questions: i.e. Why do you attend Church? Why St. Peter’s? etc. Group discussions focused on a topic or activity, such as soliciting volunteers to visit other churches for worship. Civic leaders were interviewed to identify community needs. Non-members were invited to visit St. Peter’s and then complete an anonymous questionnaire that was mailed directly to CoCL. The results were shared at monthly meetings. During the entire process, a “Parking Lot” list was compiled that identified numerous activities that could be pursued and suggestions for facility improvement. Several of the monthly meeting attendees have begun implementing some of these ideas.


We are seeking a rector that is a preacher with a capacity to inspire and connect people to God’s word. We would like this person to be able to relate comfortably to all, children and adults alike, and should possess a pleasant and easy sense of humor. Our parish needs a person who can simultaneously guide us on a new path and also provide a comfortable church home to our large over 65 population. Our new rector must also understand that he or she will serve on the board for Andrews House, which is a vital and important part of our ministry and identity.


St. Peter’s is the northernmost parish in the Diocese of Southern Ohio. Our bishop is Thomas Breidenthal. More information can be found at


Application for this position should be made using the diocesan application found with this link: Due to the confidential nature of the search process we ask that all questions about the position or search process be directed to the Rev. Canon Jason Leo. Parishioners and friends of the congregation may nominate clergy for consideration by sending names to Canon Leo who will contact them directly. The email link for Canon Leo is: For further information regarding the Diocese of Southern Ohio, see: